Policies and Procedures for Liaisons
Overview and Instructions
Mission of Library Services
Library Services is dedicated to meeting the diverse informational, educational, and research needs of students, faculty, staff, and regional community. It maintains a commitment to excellence as it acquires, develops, and provides access to resources that promote educational achievement and life-long learning.
Purpose of Policy
The purpose of the collection development policy of the Roberts-LaForge Library, including the Instructional Resources Center, is to provide principles and guidelines for establishing priorities for the selection of library materials and the criteria for the withdrawal of materials from the Library collection.
Community Served
Delta State University is located in Cleveland, Mississippi, a prospering city in the heart of the Mississippi Delta. The Roberts-LaForge Library is situated on the eastern edge of the campus. The Library serves students from Delta State University as well as the regional community. The primary function of the Roberts-LaForge Library is to meet the library resource and service needs of the faculty and student body as these needs are related to the curriculum. The secondary function is to provide resources and services relevant to general research and informational needs, intellectual and professional growth, cultural development, and recreational activities. In developing the collection, the Library’s top priority will be purchasing material that directly supports the needs of the undergraduate and graduate curricula.
“The University offers undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs of study leading to baccalaureate and master’s degrees in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, and the School of Nursing, as well as the Educational Specialist degree and Doctorates in Education and Nursing Practice. Emphasis is placed on excellence in instruction, followed by service and research in the creation of a community of scholars. With special attention to small classes, a friendly environment, and a broad liberal arts foundation, the University encourages significant student-faculty interactions. Delta State provides programs and services that promote intellectual, cultural, ethical, physical, and social development. Students from different cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic backgrounds will develop the ability to respect and evaluate the thoughts of others; to develop, assess, and express their own thoughts effectively; and to use the techniques of research and performance associated with their disciplines” (Undergraduate Catalog, 2018, p.8).
The Library also recognizes its responsibility to respond to the needs of the administrators and staff members and to provide general information and recreational reading for all its users. Because faculty have recognized research needs, library services, such as interlibrary loan and computer database searching, will be utilized in assisting the faculty with their research.Naturally, due to the size of the University, resource sharing with larger campuses can be more fully met through collection development process.
Collection Development Responsibility
The primary responsibility for collection development rests with the faculty of Delta State University. Academic Council allocates the money to the Dean of Library Services, who in turn allocates the funds to the selected departments.
Each department selects a member of their faculty to be the departmental liaison. The library likewise assigns a library liaison to work with each department. Faculty and library liaisons work together to ensure appropriate resources are selected and all deadlines are met.
A library liaison is a professional librarian that works with departments to select materials for the collection; serves as a point of contact for questions regarding orders, collection development, account balances, and general library inquires; and shares information about library services.
A departmental liaison is a faculty member that submits orders on behalf of an academic unit, department, or division; and serves as the main point of contact to communicate the information and service needs of the department.
Development and management of the Library’s collections are guided by this policy within the scope of available funding. The academic council allocates funds to the library for acquisition and processing of materials when possible.
Although all materials are selected and/or screened for appropriateness by librarian liaisons, platforms or publishers are determined by acquisitions. Materials are acquired through:
- Direct Orders through allocated funds from the Academic Council
- Gifts/Donations
- Government Documents Depository Programs
- Free Materials
- Memberships / Subscriptions
Library Liaison Responsibilities
Working with Departments
- Maintain regular contact with the departmental liaison each semester and foster a good working relationship with the department.
- Keep faculty up-to-date with changes in library services such as new policies, procedures, resources, services, events, and programs.
- Communicate library policies and procedures upon request.
- Stress the importance of faculty input. It is only with their help that the library can provide the best and most appropriate services.
- Remind departmental faculty that instruction sessions by a reference librarian can be catered to the specific needs of the instructor and students.
- Teach faculty how to search the Library Catalog and other databases as requested.
Selecting Materials for the Collection
- Forward relevant selection materials (i.e. catalogs, book reviews, journal articles, etc.) to the departmental liaison.
- Recommend titles to the departmental liaison. Resources like WorldCat or even Amazon can be the best resources for departments in need of assistance.
- Review donated items. Although Roberts-LaForge Library accepts many donations, not everything will be appropriate for the collection. Librarians will determine the suitability of materials in conjunction with departments and relevant faculty.
Evaluating the Collection
- Evaluate portions of the general collection that relate to subject areas of your department. This evaluation would involve weeding irrelevant material or spotting gaps in the collection. Knowing what courses are taught and what each faculty member requires is an essential component of spotting gaps and weeding.
- Consult affected departments before withdrawing any title from the collection. Email the list of titles to the Dean of Library Services and the department liaison for approval.
- Materials that have been marked lost or missing will be reviewed by Library Administration in April of the spring semester. Items will be reordered when funds are available.
Preparing Orders
- Check the catalog to ensure a submitted title is not already in the collection.
- If any critical piece of information (title, author, ISBN, or price) is missing from the order, please find it using an online service like Amazon.
- If the title is already owned by the library, alert the departmental liaison.
- Request that departments prioritize the orders based on the needs of all faculty.
- Keep a record (in Excel preferably) of all titles ordered.
- Make sure that all deadlines are met.
- If a balance remains, please work with the department to obtain more orders.
- If catalogs, brochures, or other printed information is provided by the departmental liaison, please include it along with the order.
Departmental Liaison Responsibilities
Working with Library Liaisons
- Keep the library liaison up-to-date with:
- Needs of the department, faculty, and students
- New academic programs, courses, or requirements
- Class assignments that require special resources or services
- Changes in the department that are relevant to the library
- Supply guidelines about accreditation standards and notify the library liaison of upcoming accreditation reviews and site visits.
Selecting Materials for the Collection
- Make selections based on the guidelines set forth by your accrediting agencies (e.g. ACBSP, CCNE, CAEP, etc.).
- Consider ordering materials based upon student library needs and the nature of class assignments made by your departmental colleagues.
- Avoid placing duplicate orders by checking our holdings in the online catalog. Your library liaison can show you search strategies upon request.
- Consider the research and teaching interests of your colleagues.
Evaluating the Collection
- Stay abreast of accreditation requirements to ensure the library’s collection is up to standard.
- Make the library liaison aware of any weaknesses or gaps in the collection.
- Review materials marked for withdrawal and assist with weeding the collection
Preparing Orders
- Please submit as much as information about each title as possible (typically: title, author, ISBN, and price). Also provide any other relevant data that may help the library identify your material.
- Use the collection development form to submit orders for your department.
The Ordering Process
Types of Materials
- Departmental allocations are to be used for the purchase of books, audiovisual materials, and related educational materials that will be added to the holdings of Roberts-LaForge Library. Most books are housed in the Roberts-LaForge Library, while various types of media are housed in the Instructional Resources Center.
- No textbooks may be ordered, and duplicate copies of existing holdings will be ordered only in exceptional circumstances.
- Hardbound books will be ordered whenever possible instead of paperbacks to increase the shelf life of the book.
Submitting Orders
- Department liaisons should submit orders using Excel spreadsheets or by using the Collection Development online order form.
- If necessary, additional information such as contact information or specialized order numbers may be required. If a catalog or flyer is available, please include it with the order.
- Departmental liaisons should submit orders before any assigned deadlines to ensure the library’s Technical Services department has enough time to purchase and process the orders.
Notification Process
New Materials Ordered by Departments
- Staff from the Technical Services Department will alert the Library Liaison once materials have been processed, cataloged, and are ready to circulate or be placed on the shelves (i.e. non-circulating materials).
- The library liaison will contact the departmental liaison to notify them when new items are available.
- The departmental liaison is responsible for informing their faculty about new materials.
Status of Materials
- Notify the library liaison if you need an item that is unavailable for check out. The liaison will assist you with getting the item as soon as possible.
- Contact the appropriate library liaison to inquire about the status of an item if it cannot be determined by searching the catalog.
Selection and Deselection
The Roberts-LaForge Library collects a representative selection of materials on all subjects of interest to its users, including various opinions on controversial matters.in the areas of politics, religion, and morals. No materials shall be excluded or withdrawn from the collection-because of the race or nationality of the author(s) or because of the political, religious, or moral views expressed therein. The Library collection will provide for the free exchange of all ideas. The Library will not allow any intrusion on this right by either majority of minority group interest. No censorship will be exercised on the basis of frankness of language, or the controversial manner or unpopularity of an author’s point of view, or mode of expression. The Library subscribes to the policies set forth by the American Library Association in its Library Bill of Rights, The Freedom to Read, and Intellectual Freedom statement and respects the intelligence and capability of its readers to distinguish persuasion from propaganda and proselytizing without library interference.
The following criteria are to be observed by librarians in the selection of any materials for the Library collection:
- Strengths and weaknesses of the present collection
- Demand by users
- Authoritativeness
- Accuracy
- Recency of data
- Adequate scope
- Depth of coverage
- Appropriateness
- Relevancy
- Organization
- Physical quality
- Special features
- Cost
- Inclusion in major indexes and abstracting services
Material that fits the general criteria listed below are housed behind the desk of the Circulation Department:
- Titles authored by Delta State University faculty members
- Titles authored by Delta State University alumni
- Material that is unusual, valuable, popular, historically significant, or likely to be stolen or mutilated
- Geographical: predominantly Delta-related (books on other Mississippi subjects may also be considered for the Circulation Desk Collection if the topic may generate local interest.)
- Treatment of subject: predominantly scholarly but general or popular titles will be considered based on subject matter
- Types of materials: predominantly printed books, but also CDs and other materials.
- Autographed copies
- Because of their potential interest, autographed copies may be added if they meet any of other criteria listed above.
Maintaining a quality academic library collection requires the removal of irrelevant, outdated, or superseded materials by the process of deselection. The goal of this process is to improve the quality of the collection as it relates to the support of the educational, research, and social mission of the University. Moreover, it frees shelf space which can be utilized for other resources.
Deselection is an essential responsibility of all librarians involved in collection development and is accomplished in consultation with teaching faculty. Given the broad scope and demanding schedule of librarians’ responsibilities, the present policy is to deselect on an intermittent basis. Titles deemed too old, fragile, rare, or valuable will be moved to the Jutta Karnstedt Ferretti Special Collections Room
Any assessment concerns must be address directly with the Dean of Library Services in writing. A formal review of the request will be undertaken. The individual making the request will be notified of the decision in a timely manner.
Textbooks, Government Documents, and Serials
Per this policy, the library prefers not to purchase textbooks. The Collection Development Committee must be contacted for exceptions to this policy. See the Instructional Resources Center for K-12 State Textbooks information.
Government Documents
Federal Documents | Delta State University is a selective federal depository receiving about 41% of items published by the Government Publishing Office. The purpose of this collection is to complement the general collection especially in subject areas of interest to the Delta region. The majority of the col1ection is housed in the Government Documents department. Items in micro-fiche format are housed in the Serials department. Areas in and levels of collecting for Government Documents follow the guidelines stated in this policy. |
State Documents | Delta State University expects to receive publications through the Mississippi Library Commission’s state depository program as well as the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office. These publications make available to the public the written results of state agencies’ work and findings. |
A serial is a publication issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include periodicals; newspapers; the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies; annual reviews (i.e., years work in…, progress in…, advances in…, etc.); monographic series issued under a unified title only, or issued under both unified and separate titles but classed together; and any item which is primarily an index of bibliography.
The Library collects a wide variety of serials (periodicals/journals) to support instruction and research. In addition, a select group of general and more popular titles are acquired to provide for the general interests of the academic community.
The following are to be weighed in the selection of any serial title:
- The journal is indexed or abstracted by services available in the Library.
- Accuracy and relative objectivity of content.
- Frequency with which serial is cited in the literature or requested through interlibrary loan.
- English language material should receive a higher priority, except in those areas where a foreign language is the basis for the program.
- Multiple copies of serials will not be purchased.
- For serials not indexed or abstracted, serious consideration must be given to the timeliness of the subject and/or whether or not class assignments require their use.
- Consideration should be given to the potential for usage (FTE students, level of program, etc.).
- When a title is recommended for addition to the collection, current subscriptions in that subject field should be considered.
- Any serial subject to a significant increase in cost should be re-evaluated.
- Serials will not be purchased solely to support an individual faculty member’s personal research.
- Purchase of individual issues and scattered or incomplete files will be avoided.
Instructional Resources Center
The IRC staff is committed to offering the Delta State University community the best curriculum resources available. The center contains a large selection of state-adopted textbooks, teacher resource books, and the Library’s audio-visual materials collection. We have six Ellison Die Cut machines that our patrons use to create over 500 different shapes and figures. The IRC also offers eight computer workstations for our patrons to utilize. The IRC’s circulating collection contains a large collection of Coretta Scott King, Newbery Honor, and Caldecott Award-winning books. We also have a large selection of Big Books that help younger students understand the fundamentals of counting, spelling, and reading. Because of this need and because our patrons may be using their academic preparation to teach in any number of diverse circumstances, an attempt is made to provide materials representing a broad spectrum of types and viewpoints.
Materials to support instruction in reading, bilingual education, special education, and early childhood education are especially emphasized in order to give adequate support to the master’s degree programs in these subjects.
Textbooks are selected to represent all subjects taught in the grades kindergarten through twelve. Mississippi State-adopted textbooks are collected on the schedule of the state. Once received the textbooks are cataloged and placed in the “Textbook- Reserve” shelves. The older editions are moved to the textbook shelves and may be checked out. The policy is to rotate editions older than ten years to be discarded.
Donations and Gifts
The library welcomes donations from the DSU and local communities. The following procedures provide guidance to donors and library employees on accepting and handling donated resources.
This policy concerns the donation of physical items to be added to the library’s collection. For monetary donations to the library or university, please visit the DSU Foundation site at http://deltastategiving.org/ways-to-give or http://deltastategiving.org/give-now.
The Technical Services Department will coordinate the acceptance and handling of all donated resources.
From 8:00 am – 4:30 pm on Monday-Friday (or current regular business hours), library employees should direct donors to Technical Services to deliver items and sign the Gift Form. Any questions regarding donations should be directed to the Technical Services Department which can be reached at 662-846-4438 or Tech_Services_Group@365dafa6.com.
The library will not accept the following types of resources:
- CDs
- Cassette tapes
- Videocassettes
- Periodicals
The library cannot guarantee that all donations will be added to the collection. Employees will review all donated material and accept items based on physical condition and relevance to the collection. Once relinquished, the donations become the library’s property. On request, the Technical Services Department will compile a list of resources that will then be emailed to the donor along with a letter of acknowledgement. The library cannot appraise the value of donated resources for tax purposes.
Appendix A - Liaisons By Department
Department | Library Liaison | Departmental Liaison |
Accounting/Finance/CIS | Mike Emerson | Glendscene Williams |
memerson@365dafa6.com | gwillims@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4432 | 662-846-4183 | |
Library 209 | Broom 332 | |
Art | Michael Mounce | Cetin Oguz |
mmounce@365dafa6.com | coguz@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4457 | 662-846-4720 | |
Library 163 | Holcomb-Norwood 253 | |
Commercial Aviation | Peter Dean | Shaun Kelly |
pdean@365dafa6.com | skelly@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4454 | 662-846-4205 | |
Library 161 | Gibson Gunn | |
Counselor Education and Psychology | Michael Mounce | Corlis Snow |
mmounce@365dafa6.com | csnow@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4457 | 662-846-4370 | |
Library 163 | Ewing 377 | |
Delta Music Institute | Laurie A. Muffley | Richard Tremmel |
lmuffley@365dafa6.com | rtremmel@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 662-846-4455 | 662-846-4579 | |
Library 160 | Whitfield 101 | |
Family and Consumer Science | Peter Dean | Carolyn Bailey |
pdean@365dafa6.com | cabailey@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4454 | 662-846-4315 | |
Library 161 | Ewing 112 | |
Geospatial Information Systems | Mike Emerson | Talbot Brooks |
memerson@365dafa6.com | tbrooks@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4432 | Ph. 846-4520 | |
Library 209 | DSU Box 3325 KE Suite E | |
HPER | Peter Dean | John Alvarez |
pdean@365dafa6.com | jalvarez@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4454 | Ph. 846-4564 | |
Library 161 | Wyatt 108 | |
Languages and Literature | Laurie A. Muffley | Steven Cowser |
lmuffley@365dafa6.com | scowser@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 662-846-4455 | Ph. 846-4060 | |
Library 160 | Kethley 261 | |
Management/Marketing/Business Administration | Peter Dean | Kent Wessinger |
pdean@365dafa6.com | kwessinger@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4454 | 662-846-4190 | |
Library 161 | Broom 244 | |
Math and Sciences | Laurie A. Muffley | Nina Baghai-Riding |
lmuffley@365dafa6.com | nbaghai@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 662-846-4455 | Ph. 846-4797 | |
Library 160 | Caylor 239 | |
Music | Laurie A. Muffley | Shelley Collins |
lmuffley@365dafa6.com | scollins@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 662-846-4455 | Ph. 846-4617 | |
Library 160 | Broom 204B | |
Nursing | Laurie A. Muffley | Vicki Bingham |
lmuffley@365dafa6.com | vbingham@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 662-846-4455 | Ph. 846-4268 | |
Library 160 | Nursing 105 | |
Social Sciences and History | Michael Mounce | Charles Westmoreland |
mmounce@365dafa6.com | cwestmoreland@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4457 | Ph. 846-4174 | |
Library 163 | Jobe 209 | |
Social Work | Michael Mounce | Jana Donahoe |
mmounce@365dafa6.com | jdonahoe@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4457 | Ph. 846-4795 | |
Library 163 | Kethley 240 | |
Speech and Hearing Sciences | Peter Dean | Gina Jenkins |
pdean@365dafa6.com | gjenkins@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4454 | Ph. 846-4110 | |
Library 161 | Kethley 123B | |
Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research | Mike Emerson | Corlis Snow |
memerson@365dafa6.com | csnow@365dafa6.com | |
Ph. 846-4432 | 662-846-4370 | |
Library 209 | Ewing 377 |
Appendix B - The Library Catalog
Access the library’s catalog.
Appendix C - Order Form
To access the order form, click the big green button. It will open a new tab in your browser, where you will be asked to log in with your 365dafa6.com email and password. After that, you can either choose to download a spreadsheet if you are wanting to make a bulk request for the library, or you can use the rest of the order form to request an individual title.
Appendix D - Deadlines
The deadlines for submitting new orders are as follows:
- Departmental Liaisons
- November 1st
- Library Liaisons
- November 15th